Thursday, June 10, 2010

An active lifestyle is more than just a workout

Having an active lifestyle doesn't just involve your daily workout. In fact, you're workout should be a part of your active lifestyle. You can still have a somewhat sedentary lifestyle if you sit around all day, when your not doing your workout routine. Now of course, it's much better than not working out at all, but the key to maintaining a healthy weight is your overall calorie burn for the day.

If you have a sedentary job, there's nothing you can do about it until the clock strikes 5 pm. However, you do have control on the weekends. Therefore, take advantage of the warmer weather by doing some outdoor activities. You can go for a hike, or perhaps take a bike and tear up the roads. You can also take on gardening and grow your own organic veggies (one of my favorites). There are many things to do to burn additional calories, aside from your gym workout. For people who like sports, there are countless leagues that you can sign up for and play. Aside from my personal workouts and endurance training, I also play in a baseball league. I got to admit, I'm not that good in baseball, but it breaks the monotony of my normal routine, it's a good workout, and it's a great social time, especially when you're in a team with great people.

Bottom line, if you want to maintain your weight loss that you worked so hard for to get to that point, keep yourself active. Leave the couch for the end of the night when it's that down time before sleep. It's amazing how much energy you will always have when you keep yourself active, and more importantly, if you have kids, it will teach them that being active is a normal part of life. After all, they do emulate their parents. Stay active and GET FIT!!

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