Thursday, May 13, 2010

Got Running?? Part 3-Common Running Injuries and Ways to Prevent It

In this final part, I will talk about what I think is the five most common running injuries. I will explain the symptoms, causes, ways to treat it, and prevention of future possible injuries.

One of the most common running injuries are Shin Splints. Many runners have experienced this particular injury, especially those that are new to running.
Symptoms: It's an aching or throbbing pain along the shin from the ankle to the knee. The pain is most severe in the beginning of the run, but usually fades away during, due to the muscle warming up. Pain will most likely come back after the body cools down.
Causes: Shin splints happen when the calf muscles are tight and or tired and therefore puts a lot of stress on the tendons around the front and back of the ankle. It can also happen when the foot overpronates (rolls inwards too much) or if you run on very hard surfaces.
Treatment: If you detect this early, it can be easily treated. It you fight it, it can get worse and thus produce stress fractures and then your in big trouble. Once you detect shin splints, simply cut the mileage down for a few weeks and ice a few times per day for 15 minutes, each time. After a run, ice immediately to reduce swelling and you can take an ibuprofen if you like. It should feel better after a few weeks.
Prevention: The best way to prevent this is to strengthen and stretch the tendons and muscles in front and back of the lower leg. The easiest way to strengthen the muscle in the front of your lower leg is to do "duck walks". After a run, simply walk with the front of your feet raised and your heels on the ground. Walk for 20-30 yds and perform 2-3 sets.

Another common running injury is the Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome. It's also a pretty common injury, but can easily be treated and prevented.
Symptoms: Its starts as a dull ache when you start running and hangs around during the run and then fades away when your done. If it gets severe, you can get a very sharp pain on the outside part of your knee, which is where the IT band is attached.
Causes: There's a list of causes to this injury. You can get this by adding to many miles too fast in your training regimen, running a lot of downhills, running on cambered surfaces (edge of the street), wearing worn-out shoes (shoes are done after 350 miles), always training too hard, and overpronation. All this can originally cause a tight IT band, which is the prelude to the syndrome.
Treatment: Slow down on the intensity and do not run downhills. Run on a softer, even surface (a track) and make sure to stretch the IT band a couple of times a day. I will provide a link on my Facebook page of how to stretch this band. Also, apply ice to the knee after your run to reduce inflammation. This should heel in 2-4 weeks. If it still persists, see an orthopedic doctor because it may be a bigger issue.
Prevention: Stretch the IT band immediately after running, while the muscles are warm. Perform quadriceps and hamstring exercises. Warm up prior to running and also stretch before your actual run. Avoid cambered surfaces and downhills and hard speedy workouts for a while. If you're overcoming this, slowly ease back to your training.

Another common running injury is Achilles Tendinitis. This is one injury where you really have to pay attention to because if you ignore this, it can cause a rupture and tear your achilles tendon. Once it's torn, you will never run the same again.
Symptoms: A dull and pretty sharp pain along the tendon and especially around the heel area. Ankle flexibility is limited. In some cases, there can be a lumpy buildup of scar tissue on the tendon.
Causes: This injury can happen due to tight or tired calf muscles, over-training, and adding too many miles too quickly. If you run a lot of hills and speed work, that can put added pressure to the tendon. Inflexible shoes around the heel can also cause this issue and well as the foot overpronating.
Treatment: Stop running!! I know this can be hard to the avid runner, but think long term. Icing the area a couple of times per day, until the pain is gone. You can also self massage using your thumb or you can use a small portable massage machine (I have one and it's a effective product for tight muscles). When the pain is gone, stretch the calf muscles and do not run until you can do calf raises and feel no pain.
Prevention: Stretch that area before and after every run. The easiest way to stretch it is by standing on a step with only the front half of the foot on the step. Bring the heel down and hold for 15 to 20 seconds. You can intensify this by bending that leg and placing more weight down on the heel. If your foot overpronates, get a motion controlled shoe or wear orthotics. Road runners sports website has a great selection of motion controlled shoe. Just tell them your foot overpronates and they will give you some recommendations. Go to my site and click on the Road runners sports banner for more info.

One very common running injury is Plantar Fasciitis. I've had a minor form of this injury in the past and it can easily be treated if caught early. If you ignore this, this can last for a long time and can make every step very painful.
Symptoms: Pain in the heel area. The pain is the worst in the morning, due to stiffness, but usually subsides as the day goes on. There also has been cases where bone spurs can form around that affected area.
Causes: Tight calf muscles and achilles tendon will contribute to this injury, as it will pull on the fascia. Running on worn-out shoes and also running on the wrong kind on shoes. As I stated in my last blog, this is why it's important to wear the right kind of shoes for your type of arch. Not doing so can cause injuries like this.
Treatment: Reduce your running and ice that area. IN this case you can ice massage by filling a dixie cup of water, freezing it, and then tearing the cup and rolling your foot on the ice. That can be messy as the ice melts, but it really helps. This will take a couple of weeks to heel.
Prevention: Stretch the calf muscles regularly and wear proper fitted shoes. Massaging it helps too. I used a golf ball, placed it under my foot and rolled it around the area. It really works and feels good too. After I overcame this injury, I used the golf ball technique before and after every run for a while. You can strengthen this fascia by curling your toes downwards and stretch this by grabbing your toes and pulling it towards your shin.

The final and very common running injury is Condromalacia, aka "Runner's knee". This a softening or wearing away of the cartilage under the kneecap. The reason is normally due to the kneecap not being properly aligned on the knee. That can create friction with the cartilage.
Symptoms: You would feel pain under or on the side of the knee. It will hurt more when you run uphills and if it gets worse and left untreated, you will start to feel a cracking sound when you bend your knee. Doesn't sound pretty.
Causes: If your foot overpronates, it will make your knee twist sideways. Wearing old worn out shoes will affect knee, because the treads would normally wear on one side of the shoe which is make the shoe not properly balanced. Weak quads will contribute to the problem because this muscle keeps your kneecap in its place. If it's weak, the kneecap will sag a bit and therefore cause this issue. Running uphills can add to the issue if you do not resolve this in the beginning.
Treatment: Stop running for a while and ice a couple of times a day. Since this area is in an odd spot, use crushed ice or bag of frozen peas. This will contour around that area. Studies have shown that taking aspirin can prevent any further breaking down of the cartilage. I would do this for about 4-6 weeks. When the swelling is gone, perform quad exercises in order to keep the kneecap in place. Also weak quads usually equal tight hamstrings, so stretch hamstrings as well. When you start running again, start slow on an even surface (track or treadmill) and no hills. You can also wear this strap that can be placed under the kneecap to help keep it in place. However, do not get used to this too long. Once the quads are strong again, you do not need it anymore.
Prevention: Obviously stretch and strengthen you legs (quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes). Also, avoid wearing old shoe and if you overpronate, wear orthotics. Do not run routes with lots of hills all the time. You only need to do hill work twice per week.

These are, what I believe, are the most common running injuries. It's important to know what these are and how to prevent it from happening. My advice, change your sneakers every 300-350 miles and wear the right types of shoes. It's very important to strength train at least twice a week, in order to keep these muscle strong and prevent these problems from happening. It will keep you running strong and recover fast. Keep your ankles strong. Most times, pain on your knees and hips usually happen from weak unstable ankle joints. After every run, you can stand on one foot for balance or you can use a wobble board if you really want to challenge yourself. Some people say that you only need to stretch after a run. It's important to stretch before and after, especially if you're an avid runner and you're training for an event. Stretching prior does not have to be as long as stretching afterwards. Also, using a foam roller is a huge benefit to muscles by increase blood flow to the area and enhance flexibility. It's best before and after running, prior to the stretching part. You can get a foam roller from the company Perform Better. They are of great quality and at a decent price. If you would like to know more about it, click on my website and click on the perform better banner. If you have questions, feel free to ask. I've trained a number of runners with various running injury issues and after a couple of weeks, their problems are solved. I hope you enjoyed this 3 part series and remember to RUN SMART & STRONG!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Got Running?? Part 2- Run Smart, Run Forever

In this part, I said earlier that one of the topics I was going to talk about is common running injuries and ways to prevent it. Well, I realize that it is best if I keep that topic as a separate section. It's a very important and lengthy topic and I want to make sure I cover all of it, that way none of you would experience any of it. So today, I will talk about how to run smart and effectively through proper form, alternating low and high intense runs, wearing the right sneakers, and fueling yourself the right way.

One important way to run smart is to run with proper form. Running improperly will put more pressure on parts of the body than needed, particularly your joints. It all starts with having a strong core. It needs to be strong throughout in order for your upper body to stay upright, therefore keeping your center of gravity in the middle. You know your core is weak when the body starts to lean forward. That moves your center of gravity forward, which will put pressure on your knees. I always say if you can see your feet while your running, chance are you're leaning a bit too much. Try some planks after your run to strengthen your core. Your shoulders should stay relaxed, with your arms moving slightly. When you strike your foot, the heel should barely touch the ground and you push off with the ball of your foot. You can practice this by running on a treadmill next to a mirror and looking periodically until you have an idea on how the body should look when the form is correct.

Another way to run smart is to alternate low and high intensity runs. The body needs to recover more from the harder runs. So, either keep it slow on the following day or cross train (spinning, elliptical, stairmaster, swimming, etc). Know your body. If your legs are telling you that it's very sore, take the next run day off. The ones who ignore their body usually end up injured and are out for weeks or even months.

What kind of sneakers to wear are also important. Not all feet have the same arch. There are three types: high arch, medium arch (about 70% of people), and low arch (flat feet). It's very important to know which shoes are right for your arch. Wearing the wrong type of shoe can be detrimental to the joints, over time. If you do not know your arch, you can take a paper towel, wet the bottom of your foot, and step onto the towel. If there's a huge curve, that's a high arch. If there's a tiny curve, it's a low arch. There are many shoes for each category. If you do not know which shoes are right for you, the shoe company Roadrunners sport, a business affiliate of mine and the only place I purchase sneakers, has a section on the left side of the home page called "Shoe dog: Perfect fit shoe finder". It will ask you a couple of questions and based on the answers, it will give you a couple of shoe recommendations. If you have a VIP membership (only $2 for the year online), you get 10% off, free shipping, and a 60 day perfect fit guarantee. You can try the shoes and if you do not like the fit, you can exchange it for free. I get my sneakers from there and swear by it. You can check their site out by going to my website, and click on the road runners sports banner on my home page.

If you're running outside, switch terrain from time to time. It would help break the monotony and will help keep your legs strong. One day you can run on the shoulder of the street (opposite side of traffic) and the next, run on a track. If you live on a suburb area, there are plenty of trails, that is a great way to strengthen your ankles. You can also use the treadmill. Although, treadmills are softer on the joints, it can affect your bio-mechanics and balance if used too often. Over time, that can cause injury. My advice, if it's not raining or freezing outside, run outdoors.

The right nutrition prior to your runs is very important as part of your regimen. The wrong kind of nutrition will not give your body the energy to run effectively and it will not grow and make you a stronger runner. Prior to your run or any cardio workout, your pre-workout meal should consist mostly of carbohydrates, which small amount of protein and fat. Protein and Fat take a long time to digest. So, if you have a high protein meal, an hour prior to running, it will not go too well. If you're going to workout in an hour and your last meal was 5 hours ago, have about 150 calorie snack, like an energy bar. 150 calories for every hour is sufficient time for digestion, and give your energy without stomach interference. Now if you run very early in the morning, don't run on an empty stomach. After a good night sleep, the body usually only has a "1/2 tank) of energy. So, have a shot of juice or some Gatorade, to give you some fuel for your run. My personal favorite pre-run meal is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat raisin bread, around 2 hours before my run. After a run, your post run meal should have more protein. It should actually be about 3:1 carb:protein ratio and should be consumed within 45 minutes after a run. My favorite is a protein shake that I make consisting of one scoop of protein, bananas, blueberries, shot of OJ, water and ice. It's well balanced and since it's cold, it would also help cool you down. Also, keep drinking 6-8 oz of water every 15 minutes for a few hrs after your run, that way you do not become dehydrated.

Finally, sleep,sleep,sleep! It's very important to get 7-8 hrs of sleep per day. This is the time where your body really heals itself from your workouts and other daily stresses. The better you sleep, the better you would recover and reduce your risk of injury.

If you follow these rules, you'll be running for a long time. There's a reason why you see so many people in their 50s and even 60s still running. They listen to their body, eat right, and sleep well. I hope you enjoy this part, and in the final part "Part 3-Common Running Injuries and Ways to Prevent It", I will talk about some of the most common injuries and how you can prevent that from happening, so you can run injury-free.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Got Running?? Part 1-The Great Benefits of Running

With the weather starting to get warmer, nothing is better than taking your workout outdoors. The most common exercise that people do outdoors is running. So, I thought I would tell you the benefits that come with running. There are so many benefits to running, that it may take me forever to write about it. Therefore, I will talk about what I feel is the most important.

1. One of the best benefits of running is weight loss. You want to lose weight?? Start running! Running allows the body to exert a lot of energy in order to propel the body forward. Now calorie burns vary according to weight, intensity, running efficiency, and outside temperature. Of course, the bigger the person, the more calories are burned.

2. Another great benefit to running is cardiovascular fitness. The stronger your heart is, the healthier you become. Your risk of high blood pressure decreases, due to increased elasticity of your arteries and your risk of heart disease and stroke is virtually diminished. Not to mention your physical look. You would look fit and chiseled, like a greek statue.

3. One important benefit to running is that it can slow down the aging process. As you get older, muscles naturally get smaller and weaker and bones lose their density. With running, muscles and bones get stronger due to the physical demand of running. Therefore, you would have no risk of osteoporosis in the future.

4. Running also has it's psychological benefits too. You ever heard of the term "runners high"? Well, its actually true. Studies show that people who run on a regular basis are more happy and feel less stressed than people living the sedentary life. The body releases a hormone called endorphins and that gives you that "runners high" feel. So, if you're feeling down or stressed out from work, go for a run. I guarantee you'll feel better.

5. Are you someone that has coordination issues? Studies show that running can improve your coordination, by running on different grounds. For example, if you run on trails, the ground is usually uneven, which makes your body forced to balance better. Therefore, your coordination gets better. I do suggest for beginners to get used to running on flat surfaces first (ex. track or shoulder of a street). Also, don't get used to treadmills all the time because it can negatively affect your balance, due to the fact that the bio-mechanics movement is not natural, since you're following the movement of the belt.

These are some of the benefits that I feel is most important. In Part 2 of my blog (coming Friday), I will talk about proper form, common injuries from running that can be prevented, how to pic the right sneakers, and proper ways to fuel yourself before and after your runs. Hope you enjoy this blog and stay tuned for the next one.